Adopted from: Standish, MI (2013)
Vyper is a beautiful Belgian Malinois who came to Christina as a young puppy. She has a shy side, but with a lot of work on confidence-building skills, she has become an amazing Frisbee and agility dog.

Adopted from: Heeling Heelers Hearts Rescue (2016)
Cobra is the youngest member of Christina’s team, but she is off to an amazing start and is an eye-catching athlete. A natural Frisbee dog, Cobra is fast and is a huge leaper. Look for lots of new tricks and amazing performances from this young dog in 2017!

Adopted from: Private adoption (2013)
Devo is CRAZY about the Frisbee. Really . . . CRAZY. True to the whippet breed, Devo is a long, lean racing machine. You can see him flying around the field chasing his favorite toy, and racing through the agility course for his Frisbee reward.

Leaping Loco
Adopted from: Private adoption (2007)
At 11 years young, Loco is Christina’s senior performing dog, but you would never guess his age when you watch him play. Loco is as spunky as ever and lives for the Frisbee. He is a multiple-time world qualifier in the sport of disc and gives his all in everything he does.

Adopted from: Private adoption (2010)
Affectionately referred to as Princess Tazer, this crazy cattle dog started her life as a puppy living in a college dorm room! Christina rescued her and nursed her back to health after a serious battle with parvovirus. When Tazer survived parvo, Christina knew she would be a strong-willed dog. Tazer excels at everything she tries and you will see her doing Frisbee, agility, dog diving and tricks in our shows. She is a sassy girl who loves showing off, and she does it all while barking the whole time! She just wants everyone to know how special she is.

Flying Fury
Adopted from: Indianapolis Animal Care Services (2009)
Fury may be on the small side, but is a spit fire!!! He is fast and full of energy. He never quits moving and will do anything for a Frisbee. Fury is a multiple-time world qualifier in the sport of disc, with a top finish of 3rd in the World. Fury is also one of our agility racing dogs, and on occasion, races through the crowd to say hello to his adoring fans.

Adopted from: Indianapolis Animal Care Services (2009)
Jetta is a sweet, happy, bouncy chocolate Labrador Retriever whose tail never stops wagging. Jetta is a great athlete, and you can see her doing any number of things in our shows, but her favorite thing in the world is catching Frisbees for kids and doing meet ‘n’ greets after our shows.

Adopted from: Private adoption (2016)
The newest member of Christina’s team, Phoenix, also a whippet, is already astonishing crowds with his amazing Frisbee skills. He loves playing and performing and is a natural fit for Christina’s team. He loves meeting people and hopes everyone will come to say hi to him after the show!

Adopted from: Private adoption (2012)
Dyna-Mite, a tiny cattle dog, chihuahua mix, weighs in at a whopping 10 pounds. Although she is Christina’s smallest dog, don’t be fooled by her size. She convinces everyone she meets that she is the Queen of the world! Dyna excels at doing unique tricks, and is quite impressive when she catches a full-sized frisbee!