It’s National Dog Day! Which is like somebody made up a holiday just for us. We are all about dogs every day, every night, all year long, but today . . . we take a moment to celebrate.
We will be celebrating National Dog Day by doing what we love the most – playing with our dogs at two amazing venues: Nadja, Christopher and D are performing at the Kentucky State Fair in Lousiville, KY, and Kara and Christina are performing at the Westmoreland Fair in Greensburg, PA.
Uniquely Kentucky. Uniquely fun!!
This is our first year at the Kentucky State Fair, and it has been a blast! The crowds have been amazing and the dogs have been on fire. Here is Hi-Ho flying off the dock!
Hi-Ho is one of our smallest dock diving dogs, but he gets some big air at the Kentucky State Fair!
We are here through August 27 and have shows at 11:30, 2:30 and 5:30 everyday. Our shows at the Kentucky State Fair are sponsored by Feeders Supply, an awesome chain of pet food and supply stores based in Louisville. Feeders Supply is also a huge supporter of animal adoption, which is a cause near and dear to our hearts. We are so happy to have their support.
The Westmoreland Fair – A Timeless Tradition
This is our third year at the Westmoreland Fair in Pennsylvania, and this has become one of our favorite places to perform every year. The hills surrounding the fairgrounds are gorgeous and we have made a lot of good friends here we look forward to seeing every year. This year, our young cattle dog mix, Boom-Chicka-Boom made her show debut as one of our Frisbee dogs. Here she is feeling very proud of herself:
Boom-Chicka-Boom becomes a star at the Westmoreland Fair!
And here is Shazam, doing what she loves:
Shazam! wowing the crowd at the Westmoreland Fair!
So . . . on National Dog Day . . . we are happy to celebrate doing what we love with our dogs. They take us to the most amazing places.